Headshot of Carl Wesley Anderson
Reverend Carl Wesley Anderson is an international equipping evangelist and documentary filmmaker.
His vision comes through itinerant ministry and his unique calling as a media missionary. The Vision? To inspire and equip believers for passionate discipleship, hearing God’s voice, and the Book of Revelation.
Carl is the author of the book LOVE SPEAKS as well as the writer/director/producer of the LOVE SPEAKS series & FROM HISTORY TO HOPE series. He has also created, FROM HISTORY TO HOPE: GOD’S LOVE SPEAKS THROUGH TIME, the LOVE SPEAKS MASTERCLASS, and the new compilation film (streaming FREE), DOES GOD TALK BACK?
Carl Wesley Anderson is also the Executive Director of the Non-Profit Ministry, Born to Blaze Ministries.
Born to Blaze produces and publishes quality and evangelistic content like LOVE SPEAKS. Our purpose?
To impact others, grow others spiritually and advance the kingdom of God!
Get to know Carl by following him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
He loves to interact with readers and viewers impacted through his ministry. He hopes that you will join in the conversations too.
He is a Stage 3B Cancer Survivor, and resides in Apple Valley, Minnesota, USA.
Visual storytelling has been a part of Carl Wesley Anderson’s unique ministry tool chest for decades.
Trained in filmmaking at U.S.C. Film School in Los Angeles, Carl holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications. Carl has filmed and produced several documentary and teaching programs.
He is now internationally recognized as one of the leading emerging filmmakers of his time.

Filming “Love Speaks” on-location in Holland!
However, the unique style of his visual craft is an extension of his Ministry. And a vital part in helping communicate the message of the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
In 2018 the Trinity Broadcasting Television Network (TBN) funded the production of the first season of a Love Speaks Episodic Series, which began airing in October 2018.
The Series was built around several trips to historic locations in the United Kingdom, Holland & the USA.
MORE ABOUT Love Speaks
Carl Wesley Anderson walks the viewer through Salvation-History. He highlights the significance of the Christian’s sacrifices and actions. And their mark on history that the viewer can relate to in their own faith journey.

21 Ways, 21 Episodes
Since the launch in the United States, the show has gained in popularity. It has continued to expand its reach/coverage around the world! Other regions included the United Kingdom, South Africa, Canada, Scandinavia and more.
All 21 Episodes are now streaming and also available on a custom USB Flash Drive. Each Episode is a walk through Salvation-History and imparts the truths of hearing God’s voice in that “WAY.”
All 21 Films are available for Donation through our Live Streaming Platform, VIMEO OTT.
For Instant Access to all the Episodes, with Bonus Features, visit,
Love Speaks Documentary Film Series, Episodes 1-7 – The LOVE SPEAKS Digital Store (
In 2019, Carl Wesley Anderson launched a new television episodic Series called From History to Hope.
A show developed to dig deeper into historic moments of faith. This is so that viewers gain encouragement in their faith. They also gain hope for the future!
Each Episode includes practical applications. Yet also inspiration to live out their lives with a Kingdom purpose.
This show is being broadcast on more than 15 top Christian Television Networks worldwide. These include, GOD TV, the FAITH Network, and many others. Born to Blaze continues to expand it’s global reach of between 300 million and 500 million homes each week.
Watch Episode 1, “Christ at the Crossroads” Streaming FREE on our website,
From History to Hope – Born to Blaze Ministries
In 2021 Carl Wesley Anderson created a brand new 90-minute Documentary Compilation Film. It is filled with Segments from the 7-Episode Series, all with themes from LOVE SPEAKS.
This Film inspires and equips the viewer in 4 unique ways to recognize God’s Multi-Faceted Voice.
These ways from the Trinity include,
*The Holy Spirit speaking to you through His, “Inner Voice.”
*The Father speaking to you through both Nature and Creation and Providence.
*Jesus the Resurrected Son of God speaking through His Word (the Bible).

From History to Hope: God’s Love Speaks Through Time
The stories include:
*Fenelon and Madame Guyon from the 17th Century French Catholic Era.
*The ancient Celtic Christian Saints from Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales.
*The Scottish Covenanters of the 17th Century.
*Holocaust Survivor Sister Corrie ten Boom and a visit to “The Hiding Place” near Amsterdam.
*America’s First Missionary: Adoniram Judson.
This film is currently airing internationally, to a Global Audience of potentially 1.6 billion viewers, through the DAYSTAR INTERNATIONAL NETWORK and is being licensed by multiple other Television Networks.
You can enjoy watching the full 90-minute documentary streaming for FREE on our new YOUTUBE CHANNEL!
Please feel free to Subscribe for future videos, Comment and “Like” what you see!
Here is the link to, “God’s Love Speaks Through Time”,
From History to Hope – Born to Blaze Ministries
In 2019, Carl Wesley Anderson launched his first extended personal one-on-one online teaching series called “The Love Speaks Masterclass.”
The series includes 32 video sessions that take the viewer through the entire book of Love Speaks with Carl’s personal guidance. You can learn more about the Masterclass HERE.
is an engaging new 1-hour documentary asking and answering the questions,
Can people REALLY hear God’s voice on a continual basis? And how can we know that it’s really HIM talking back to us in prayer? The answers to these questions come to you in a TOP 10 LIST of 10 ways to begin recognizing God’s multi-faceted voice.
This is a Compilation of about 1 hour of teachings from the full LOVE SPEAKS MASTERCLASS and is available for instant, FREE access on our website!

Does God Talk Back?
This film both entertains and educates, even while imparting faith that indeed, no matter what Christian background you are from, you can begin to hear the voice of God as He “talks back” in multiple ways, continuously.

Does God Talk Back? The Top 10 List
I have just watched, “DOES GOD TALK BACK?” by Carl Wesley Anderson. I was so blessed by this documentary! What a clear and simple word to believers.
As a Pastor, if anyone is questioning if God can speak to them, I would gladly direct them to this program.
It will help them understand the different ways the LORD does speak, and how we can hear Him “talk back” to us!
-Pastor Robert Christianson, Park Harbor Assemblies of God, Minnesota.
For Instant, FREE ACCESS to the Full 1-hour documentary, click here,
The strong message of the teachings in the Love Speaks book along with the vibrant experiential programming through TBN, DAYSTAR, GOD TV & other Major TV Networks has brought Carl Wesley Anderson’s message and Born to Blaze Ministries to international recognition.
About Born to Blaze: Our Mission
“To Empower & Equip Believers as Witnesses for the Savior, to Call People to Repentance, & to Inspire Passionate Discipleship as We Prepare for Christ’s Return”
How does the gift of the modern equipping evangelist fit in a contemporary setting? We offer at least 3 answers:
Empowering people to be witnesses (living out the Incarnate Christ in the world). This includes preaching and sharing messages which inform, educate, and challenge believers to go deeper in their relationship with God. It includes practical ministry in areas of prayer and helping people connect with the living God on a daily basis. This also includes the ministry of the Holy Spirit and helping people practice His gifts, and practice hearing His voice (the many ways God speaks). People gain more confidence in praying for others, especially in praying for healing the sick.
- Pulling in the net of the “fish.” We assist churches and ministries with their vision to host outreaches, or provide messages which focus on sharing the Good News and themes of repentance and new life in Christ. We also train and empower others to become stronger witnesses of Christ.
- Empowering leaders and mentors to release disciples. This includes leadership training and both teaching and impartation times, where we bring leaders closer to the LORD and inspire them in deeper study of the Word and in deeper connection with God by the Spirit. Often the gifts of healing are released and people pray immediately with new boldness.
What else do you focus on?
Depending on the context of where we are invited, our unique approach is to pray and work alongside the church or ministry to serve. We center on at least four areas (and are open to more: just ask).
- Equipping evangelism & increasing faith for healing the sick.
- The importance of prayer, and prayer as our most powerful weapon.
- Hearing God’s voice and learning to connect with God in a supernaturally natural way each week. He is speaking today. Are we listening?
- Studies of the Last Days: tools for study of the Book of Revelation, and offering a refreshing approach to interpreting last day’s events in light of scriptural truth.
Why the focus on “preparing for Christ’s return?”
Carl felt personally a change of focus the past several years to begin to bring a “balance” to Last Days teaching. Carl’s heart is to take several passages from the Old & New Testaments and of course the Book of Revelation and teach them in very practical ways.
He believes the days of darkness are growing darker and there are some tougher days ahead for the Church, and at the same time, the light of Christ upon the Church is growing brighter, and there is much increase of the glory of God equally ahead for the Church (see Isaiah 60: 1-5).
The subject of the Second Coming of Christ, and both the eternal redemption and final judgment which He will usher in, is also a powerful evangelistic theme.
It’s healthy to hear messages based on themes of the Second Coming every so often. Eternity awaits us all! It’s good to consider your “end” from time to time, and for Christians, the “end” is only the “beginning.”
Jesus encouraged us all to “be ready” for His coming, and “watch.”
Born to Blaze adds fresh inspiration and challenge to help get people ready to meet the LORD!
He is also in development of both documentary films based on these themes, and a full teaching Seminar for churches and cell groups, offering a very practical approach to both the study of the Book of Revelation and the interpretation of some of its most challenging passages.
Carl feels it is a book that is relevant for our times and with a good means of interpretation, people can be given the tools to understand some of Revelation’s mysteries. It’s good to be able to look ahead and know the plan and purpose of the Sovereign God in the Nations.
Carl believes it is time to bring Revelation, in a balanced teaching, from being more of a “fringe book” to a “focused book” as we approach the Second Coming of Jesus and the urgency of the hour to prepare for Him.
Do you long to see Jesus face-to-face? Carl and Sarah do.
We need Him now more than ever in history to return for His Bride. We long to see Him and experience His love, forever. If you share in this longing, you will love the teaching and media materials that Born to Blaze is bringing forth!
Who We Associate With: Our Networks of Relationships
Carl is ordained through two organizations: the Omega Team and International Ministry Fellowship (IMF).
Carl was first ordained as a 25 year-old in 1995 in the Harvest Network, and later with the Omega Team when it was founded in 2007. Omega Team is an International Apostolic Network of Ministers, Ministries & Churches working together to extend the Kingdom of God throughout the world.
Born to Blaze Ministries agrees wholeheartedly with the values of the Team, including:
- The inspired and authoritative Word of God
- The centrality of Jesus Christ and the all sufficiency of the Cross
- The manifest presence of God
- Relationships that build support, protection and accountability
- Prayer, intercession and worship
- Integrity in life and ministry
- Recognizing and encouraging both men and women in their ministry calling
- Equipping and releasing the saints & the emerging generation for the work of the ministry
- Love and prayer for Jerusalem and the nation of Israel
- Unity in the Body of Christ
I.M.F. is an association of evangelical Christian churches, ministers and lay workers with an emphasis on the centrality of Christ and the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. With a membership of over 1,300 across the nation of America and 100+ missionaries in 44 countries, IMF has established itself as an organization of integrity with a heart to serve those who serve others.
Carl here is pictured with Frank Masserano, leader of I.M.F., and his own pastor, Brian Lother, and Born to Blaze Advisor Shawn Jones.
Carl currently has growing friendships in a number of different Associations in various nations around the world. This includes leaders in networks such as the BETHEL LEADERSHIP NETWORK as an “INFLUENCER”, YWAM (Youth With A Mission), Teen Challenge and within several communities in Catholic Charismatic groups, especially in the U.K. and Europe.
He also ministers from time to time within the C3 (Christian City Church) Network in various cities both in Australia and abroad (C3 is led by Phil & Chris Pringle from Sydney, Australia). He also preaches in various cities around America too.
Born to Blaze serves and supports the work of leaders in the Body of Christ around the world—to add fire to what leaders are already doing.
Often we lend our gifting to several aspects of a church base over a full weekend. Here are some ideas: inspiring the next generation (young adult service), men’s breakfast and/or afternoon leader’s training session, teaching seminars to people in either single or combined events (the host church often invites other churches in their area to come), Sunday morning services (preaching and impartation) and evening “Encountering God” services with emphasis on releasing people to experience the gifts of healing or the presence of God.
Our goal is to serve others to plant new passion for the things of God!
Revival & Awakening
“Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder!
Because I am doing something in your days—you would not believe if you were told”
(Habakkuk 1:5).
Often we think of “revival” only in terms of what it meant to people in previous generations. Yet our own generation is unique and Carl has had the privilege of visiting certain places where real “revival” is taking place.
There are genuine awakenings of hunger for God in areas all around the world.
Leonard Ravenhill defined “Revival” as, “to recover, repair or restore.” In a lecture on Revival he goes on to share, “The very word, “revive” presupposes life. You can only revive what has already had vitality. I think the nearest analogy I can give you is a recent case of a man who apparently drowned. He had been under the water for an incredible amount of time. Then somebody pulled him out and worked and worked on him, and eventually life came again.
This is actually what it means to REVIVE:
It means to REVITALIZE.
It means to RECOVER LOST ENERGY.” –Leonard Ravenhill on Revival.
As an equipping evangelistic ministry, the day-to-day activities and calling of Born to Blaze in the nations serves to awaken people to their deep need for God. Revival is, of course, sovereign and very different from evangelism. Evangelism by its very nature is witnessing to, and winning souls, who are lost.
Carl works to inspire prayer and vision for real revival to take place: in an individual’s heart, then working itself out to a whole family, neighbourhood, city or even a nation. Revival is for the church and the world is also affected.
We believe that until the very day of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, revival and awakening can be sought for and obtained in various places around the world, amidst persecution, just as the original church experienced in the Book of Acts.
The gospel once exploded into the pagan cultures, and God promised, through repentance, revival will come to every generation until Jesus returns:
“Now you must repent and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, that time after time your souls may know the refreshment that comes from the presence of God. Then he will send you Jesus, your long-heralded Christ, although for the time he must remain in Heaven until that universal restoration of which God spoke in ancient times through all his holy prophets” (Acts 3:19, Phillips Translation).
Healing Evangelism
Born to Blaze believes that the restoration of all things which Jesus is accomplishing includes allowing for faith for the restoration of the body in healing.
One of the most challenging statements of Jesus Himself came in John 14:
“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father” (John 14:12).
One possible interpretation of this verse is that it was in the heart of Jesus for His Body: the Church universal, to continue the work that He Himself had personally started; from the first hour of His ministry in announcing the Kingdom of God had come, He began to heal the sick and bring deliverance to captives (Isaiah 61: 1-3 and Luke 4).
We believe that healing is a part of the ongoing ministry of Jesus and represents a great opportunity for people to grow in their faith and experience God’s personal power today. It is also a great way to witness the resurrection of Jesus.
Healing evangelism takes a Kingdom of God approach. We believe that sickness and disease can be healed. Not everyone we pray for receives their healing. That remains a mystery. Yet we believe that Jesus Himself, through some of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that He left for us here on earth, is still healing the sick today.
As an equipping ministry, we seek to teach, train, impart and release people to become prayer warriors for the healing of the sick and the announcement that, “The Kingdom of God has come near you” (Luke 10: 9) and that healing is just one dimension of the “greater works” which we, as a Body, in unity, and accomplish until the dawning of the fullness of the Kingdom of God on earth.
It is Jesus Himself, (not us), that is doing the actual healing, (though He allows us the privilege of participating with Him through the Holy Spirit) and we bring Him glory and praise as we have seen many types of disease healed.
Sometimes it is healing-in-process (over time and with persevering prayer) and sometimes it is instant healing in our various outreaches around the world.
More, LORD!
Are You Ready to Encounter God? (a message from Carl):
Are you ready to confess Jesus as LORD and offer your heart and life in exchange for His Divine Life within you? The gift of a personal relationship with Jesus begins very simply with an open acknowledgement of your need of Him.
Scripture teaches that you have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, both by your words, thoughts and actions, and also by your very nature itself. When Adam disobeyed God, in a very real sense, you too disobeyed God and were separated from Him (as you were a part of Adam at the moment of his disobedience).
So you are a sinner by nature and a sinner by choice. All of these sins carry the punishment of death: eternal separation from your Creator. Jesus came to us and became one of us to become the bridge to re-create people and transform their hearts. You must be born from above, receive Heaven’s life, in your heart to experience redemption.
If you are ready to pray, I would like to lead you in a simple prayer of repentance and consecration.
Repentance is turning completely around; it is surrendering ownership of yourself to God, and choosing to change from what pleases you to what pleases Him!
Below is an audio link to a prayer I (Carl) will lead you in. Pray this prayer from your heart, out loud. You may or may not feel emotion in the prayer time, as this is an act of your will and not about feelings.
Simply be real with God. Give your heart to Jesus, for His glory and because of His awesome sacrifice. He shed His blood upon the Cross, and took the place of the condemned, suffering in their place and representing all of God’s wrath. He is worthy today of a commitment of your whole life and heart.
Pray with me by hitting the “play” button below when you are ready, and send us a message through the form below with your testimony. We will email you some new resources to get you started on your journey with God.