Partner with Born to Blaze!

Become a TRAILBLAZER with Born to Blaze!

Become a trusted Partner with your ongoing gift of any amount. Join our monthly donor program and be a TRAILBLAZER for Born to Blaze Ministries.

Basically, we can’t do it without you!

Your commitment makes all the difference in providing the foundation for all that we do. We all may not be able to go, but we can all help send.

Your Partnership (in either monthly, recurring transactions OR special donations through the button at the bottom of this Page) is much appreciated.

You are helping us continue to preach the Good News around the world, and produce inspirational films and media which are having a world-wide impact for millions of people for Jesus Christ.

“Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:38).

“TRAILBLAZERS: Fellow Laborers”

We invite you to become a “fellow-laborer” by supporting the work of Born to Blaze Ministries. As is often said, the Gospel is free, but the pipeline to deliver it is not.

Born to Blaze invites new fellow-laborers to come along side and give/serve in order to continue to spread the word of God’s grace.

Born to Blaze is like a sailing vessel, traveling the high seas of various mission fields and ports of call; fellow-laborers are like the giant wooden mast of the ship, the money you give is the sail of the ship, billowing in the fresh breezes of the Holy Spirit, who leads and guides the ship on its’ course.

Old Sailing Ship

As a fellow-laborer, you receive eternal reward for helping to hoist the sail for the wind to catch. Together, Each Accomplishes More… “T.E.A.M.”

Fellow-laborers labor in multiple ways:

Through giving financially. Your sowing of a gift of any amount is greatly appreciated and will yield eternal fruit for the Kingdom of God.

Through ongoing prayer. Prayer is the key that unlocks hearts and opens them up to receive the message when it is proclaimed to them.

Through service. Perhaps God would lead you to become one of our team of interns for a set period of time.

Or, perhaps you have some spare time each month and would like to share your gifts of time and talents. We need help in the areas of fundraisers, seminars, media production and office administration.

Come be a part of the Family!

For more info, please get touch with us via our Contact Form.


Finally, thank you for your support, and by supporting us you are obeying the Great Commission from Jesus, “Go now, into all the world…” (Matthew 28),

Rev. Carl Wesley Anderson

Founder, Born to Blaze Ministries

P.S. As a special THANK YOU, all TRAILBLAZER Partners will receive the full 21 Documentary Episodes of LOVE SPEAKS, plus exclusive Bonus Features and additional content, and all the new Episodes forthcoming of “FROM HISTORY TO HOPE.”

Just drop us an email or leave a message on Social Media that you have become a PARTNER and we will reply with your access to all the Digital Downloads as a FREE GIFT!

Partner with Born to Blaze!

Become a part of our TRAILBLAZERS Partner Team!

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To make a Special Donation (instead of a monthly, recurring donation), please click the button below: