Free Resources

Welcome to our Free Resources Page from Carl Wesley Anderson.

These will build your faith and bring spiritual refreshment.

We know you will be blessed and strengthened in your walk with Jesus.

BEHOLD THE MAN! Free Video Resource from Carl Wesley Anderson

Watch a compelling 15 minute short film on the theme of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Why is He called, “The Lamb of God”? Discover real hope in the death and resurrection of Jesus! Pray with Carl at the end to receive fresh faith and hope.

Audio: Free Resources from Carl Wesley Anderson

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Aslan Is On The Move: An Exposition of Revelation Chapter 1

Carl Wesley Anderson preached this message at a revival service in Melbourne, Australia. It will stir you to read the Book of Revelation’s opening chapter and discover the awesome picture of Jesus Christ that Revelation alone gives us! He is the resurrected LION of JUDAH! He is filled with wonder and majesty. And there is good news in this message: He, Jesus Christ, is personally moving among every church on earth and His presence goes before you! The churches of Revelation are symbolized by Candlesticks, and “ASLAN” as C.S. Lewis called him, is “on the move in His Kingdom” among His churches!

The Spiritual Discipline of Fasting

Preached at Bethel University as part of their “Spiritual Disciplines” Series, Carl shares both Old and New Testament truths about the secret power of fasting as it relates to a dynamic prayer life. He includes some great historical and personal examples of how fasting brought spiritual power and breakthrough. He answers the question, “What is the most common fast in the Bible?” He ends with a challenge to proclaim a fast and over 1,000 students and faculty responded.

Good Friday Special Message

Recently Carl Wesley Anderson was invited to minister the weekend of Easter at Christian City Church (C3) in the Southern Highlands of Sydney, Australia at C3 Bowral. He preached this first of two messages on the life of Jesus Christ. On Good Friday we remember the tremendous sacrifice of the Lamb of God: Jesus shed His blood upon the Cross as the final sacrifice for all time. The ancient gods were angry (or so the ancient peoples believed) and required blood sacrifices to appease their anger; but Jesus Christ gave His body and His blood upon the Cross: IN LOVE! His arms of love are still outstretched for all who would receive Him. Receive His love today as you listen to this exceptional sermon!

Easter Sunday Special Message

As the second and final message of Easter Weekend, you will hear of the death of Jesus and His burial in tomb; of how they wrapped His body and never expected a resurrection: but RESURRECTION LIFE, the promised “LIFE” of Jesus, came forth on Easter Sunday morning and released the Son of God/Son of Man into His eternal destiny as Savior, Redeemer, Mediator, Friend, and KING! You will be filled with wonder as you hear the message of man’s sin in Adam and Eve’s Fall, and the full redemption from that sin, accomplished by the One and Only Jesus on His resurrection day!

Secrets of the Anointing

From all of eternity, God planned to infuse His people with Heavenly power. Hidden as symbols and scriptures throughout the Old Testament, and released to Believers through the ministry of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, the Anointing of the Holy Spirit is for YOU today. Learn the incredible symbolism of the Anointing Oil from the Old Testament, and how the elements pointed to Christ and the Spirit’s power; understand how to be filled over and over again with God’s lightening bolts to blast away sickness and demonic oppression; and then maintain all that you have attained in your Relationship with the LORD. Nearly 2 full hours of inspirational teaching on the Anointing! Be filled with God’s presence as you listen!

The Days of Noah and Lot

In Luke 17, Jesus likened the days just prior to His return to the spiritual “atmosphere” of the days of both Noah and Lot. He shares a vital message for the Church today: Remember Lot’s wife! Her life and her end are a solemn reminder for all of us to let go of any mixture in our daily life with the world and to deepen our relationship with the LORD in holiness. The “last days” are talked about and Carl paints the picture that Jesus painted of how our current generation is parallel to the days of Noah and Lot, and how each listener can give their all for Christ and missions before the imminent coming of the LORD.

The Army Will Advance

Who among us wants to follow a retreating army? The truth is, the Army of God is marching forward in our generation. Join His army! We are not to live in defeat, but to make a bold attack even when all seems lost. What fresh direction did God give Moses at the Red Sea? What fresh direction did God pour out at Pentecost? And what fresh direction is God giving you this day? This day, we fight!

Kingdom Authority & Spiritual Identity

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Preached at Christian City Church (C3) Bowral, Australia, Carl Wesley Anderson shares strong truth from the story of Moses at the Red Sea, and his staff as a type of the restoration of Kingdom Authority that Christ gave to mankind through His initial and ongoing ministry. He relates the theme of “Authority” in the name of Jesus with our “New Identity” as royal sons and daughters of God, sharing in His own Kingdom Authority as the Risen Christ. 40 minutes.

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kingly authority

The Spiritual Discipline of Meditation of the Word of God

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Preached at Bethel University as part of their “Spiritual Disciplines” Series, Carl unpacks both Joshua 1 and some New Testament truths about the power of memorizing and meditating on the Word of God. He includes a segment of preaching through all 16 chapters of Romans in just 5 minutes! You won’t want to miss this! About 1,000 students sat on the edge of their seats as they heard these truths. 25 minutes.

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The Point of No Return

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This dynamic teaching is based upon the life story of Jacob and the account in Genesis, who encountered God along the river and wrestled with Him all night. As a result of this wrestling match, he developed new character and received a change of name: his new name is, “Israel” which means, “One who strives with God and men and prevails.” You will be stirred with the drama & details of the story! 38 minutes.

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For More FREE RESOURCES from Carl Wesley Anderson to Build Your Faith, enjoy these,

(1) SUBSCRIBE to our Monthly “Listener Updates” for an encouraging new Devotional each Month on another unique way to hear God’s voice. You will also receive Carl’s new eBook as a FREE GIFT!


(2) SUBSCRIBE to Carl Wesley Anderson’s YOUTUBE CHANNEL (Born to Blaze Ministries) for a number of compelling teaching videos and documentary stories to build your faith!

(3) Carl’s new book, LOVE SPEAKS: 21 WAYS TO RECOGNIZE GOD’S MULTI-FACETED VOICE is now ON SALE on our website here (along with a FREE Blog)!

LOVE SPEAKS RESOURCES STORE for all physical products – Love Speaks Today (

(4) For an exclusive 40% Discount off both the LOVE SPEAKS DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES and the LOVE SPEAKS MASTERCLASS, visit our online streaming Platform, VIMEO OTT here.

NOTE: use Codes at Checkout for a 40% Discount:

“LS40” for the Documentary Films and

“MC40” for the MASTERCLASS.

You can watch the first Episode, “To the Ends of the Earth” of the Films for FREE, and enjoy the first full teaching on “The Established Word (the Bible)” from the MASTERCLASS for FREE,

The LOVE SPEAKS Digital Store (