Welcome to, “From History to Hope”
We are an exciting new Telly Award-Winning Series featuring filmmaker and explorer Carl Wesley Anderson.
We discover stories of faith and hope throughout Salvation-History.
We launched 6 Episodes in Season 1, which were broadcast internationally over 15 Networks, to 170+ Nations, and to a potential viewing audience of over 2 billion people.
You can watch all 6 streaming here on this site (see below).
We are actively now producing Season 2 (please scroll down for more info); 7 brand-new Episodes for Broadcast TV Distribution in 2025!
These unique stories illustrate everyday heroes walking out the Word of God in their daily lives through extraordinary circumstances.
The God of the Bible is the God of Today!
What we learn along the way will motivate and reinforce why one person’s faith can impact so many others.
And… Build Faith in the Present and Hope for the Future.
Hope! Yesterday, Today, and Always.
There’s Always Hope!
***Winner of Best New Historical Documentary Series for Television, 2020!
Trailer for our First Season…
Watch now! Episode 1 // Christ at the Crossroads (the other Full Episodes are included below)
In this opening Episode, Carl goes on a journey through ancient Celtic Christian history to find some authentic expressions of faith and outreach for a modern audience.
He travels to Knowlton Henge in England and visits one of the most dramatic sites of Christian transformation in that Nation.

Christ at the Crossroads
Then he visits Ireland to share the stories of St. Patrick and St. Brigid.
These are 2 wonderful examples of Celtic leaders who brought the presence of Christ and the love of the Father into a pagan culture. With the Holy Spirit they transformed their culture!
Finally, he visits a modern community of faith in an area of Minneapolis, Minnesota, called SOURCE. Here, the light of Christ is transforming the spiritual darkness.
This inspiring Episode will build faith for introducing Christ to people where they are, and where Christ is found: at the Crossroads!

Hi Carl,
I just watched Episode 1, “Christ at the Crossroads.” Again, another wonderful life-giving program! It is filled with the Holy Spirit and encouragement. I never knew about the Celtic ministry approach. Excellent!

“‘FROM HISTORY TO HOPE’ is both inspiring and thought-provoking. Carl Wesley Anderson has woven together meaningful research, personal interviews, and beautiful cinematography and the result is a memorable and moving Series. It will impact your life and draw you closer to our LORD. You need to watch it today!”
Click below to watch 5 more Episodes of Season One!
Synopsis & Full Episode 2 to Watch Now // New Wine in New Wineskins
Episode 2 // New Wine in New Wineskins
This Episode opens & closes in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, upon a vantage point between 2 hills with the stark contrast of the State Capitol on one hill and the magnificent Roman Catholic Cathedral of St. Paul on the other, with a thriving community of Catholics there. Carl shares that today we have the separation of Church & State, but it wasn’t always so.
He creatively weaves together 2 unique stories from Salvation-History: first, Menno Simons (founder of the modern day “Mennonites”), whose legacy of the importance of social justice still lives on today. Second, Carl visits 17th Century Scotland to the times of the Divine Right of Kings and shares of the heroic people called “The Covenanters” who refused to allow the English Kings to control their faith, and declared, “Their can be only one King: King Jesus” and, as a result, thousands lost their lives for it.
In every generation God is pouring out the “new wine” of the Spirit through the Living Word, and He is looking for “new wineskins” to contain it!
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Synopsis & Full Episode 3 to Watch Now // Daring to Walk with God
Episode 3 // Daring to Walk with God
Lessons can be learned from looking in Salvation-History at those who walked with God. Carl opens by inviting us on a walk: a walk in a snowstorm in fact!
This Episode ties together 2 special stories: those of the ancient Christian Celts in England and the U.K. who learned how to communicate with God in all of His nature. Carl shares a very personal story of a walk he took in the midst of his cancer battle and how God spoke to him through the simplicity of a rock during that walk. He interviews modern-day monk David Cole about further insights. He then travels over to Holland and visits the famous “Hiding Place” where Sister Corrie ten Boom and her family hid over 800 Jews fleeing from the Nazis in WW II. He shares some incredible lessons of God’s Providence in the life of Corrie from inside a Concentration Camp which will surely inspire.
He ends the Episode back in the snow to remind us all how unique we are, and to, “Dare to take a walk with God” and learn to listen to His voice!
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Synopsis & Full Episode 4 to Watch Now // The Every Creature Commission
Episode 4 // The Every Creature Commission
We are a “Last Days” generation. As we approach these “End Times” what is on the LORD’s heart for His people? Are we to participate with His plans in Scripture to see the gospel brought forth to all Nations through both prayer and outreach?
To help answer this question, Carl travels back in time to the ancient land of Wales and the time of the WW II to share the story of Rees Howells. Rees was a prayer warrior, an intercessor, that God spoke to specifically and challenged him just prior to the breakout of World War to begin to pray that the Good News of Jesus would go out to all the world. We’ll discover the remarkable story of intercession that became the spiritual backdrop of WW II and then the incredible spread of the Gospel that has happened in the decades since.
Finally, he interviews Diane Brask, a missionary Leader to the unreached people groups of the world, whose testimony stirs us that our own generation could very well see the fulfillment of Rees Howell’s prayer “commission” from the Holy Spirit called, “The Every Creature Commission” and usher in the return of Jesus Christ!
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Synopsis & Full Episode 5 to Watch Now // What Does God Sound Like?
Episode 5 // What Does God Sound Like?
Want to know the answer to this intriguing question? The theme in this Episode is “conversations with God” and how to listen to the Holy Spirit.
For the history portion, Carl chronicles the stories of 2 of the brightest lights of the 17th Century to appear in the Roman Catholic Church in France: Francois Fenelon & Madame Guyon. Their emphasis on the personal presence of the Holy Spirit in prayer was revolutionary for their day.
He then travels over to the U.K. to England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales to speak with multiple leaders to gain their insights into how to carry on a continuous “dialogue” with the Holy Spirit where you can learn that successful prayer is 50% speaking and 50% active “listening.” And in “listening” to the Holy Spirit, you can become a powerful intercessor; so Carl travels back in time to the ancient Christian Celts, who gave us an example of spiritual discipline of daily times of intercession, the he goes to Wales to share some more about Rees Howells and the power of “listening” when it comes to intercession.
Finally, he interviews Eric Delve, an evangelist from Bristol, England, who shares “conversations” they had with the LORD that bring life-changing revelations for us, today.
What does God sound like? Watch this and you will learn the surprising answer to this question!
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Synopsis & Full Episode 6 to Watch Now // Tremble at the Word
Episode 6 // Tremble at the Word
What is at the very foundation of your life & your contact with God? It’s the Word of God, of course! Carl travels back in Salvation-History to the time of the Celtic missionaries, who made the Word of God the very foundation of all their life.
He meets again with Celtic Historian David Cole, and he learns that meditation of the Word, an ancient practice called, “Lectio” was something the monks utilized every day to communicate with God. He then travels to 2 separate spectacular sites in Ireland to help illustrate these truths.
He also brings us the history of perhaps the world’s most famous book: the Book of Kells, and ends this Episode with a stirring story of the conversion of America’s first missionary, Adoniram Judson.
You will walk away from this Episode with a fresh passion to meditate every week on verses from your Bible, and tremble…at the Word!
Watch Now:
From History to Hope, Season 2 // Revelation’s Battle Plans
Now raising Support for Pre-Production of Season 2.
Producing from September 2024 to late Spring 2025.
Get ready for an EPIC 2nd Season, this time with 7 brand-new Episodes, highlighting the Battle Plans through the Ages from the Book of Revelation in the 1st Century to the 21st!
Episode 1 // “Are We There Yet?” // You will first learn of just “where we are” on the timeline of the culmination of world history as we know it: is the return of Jesus truly imminent? Why is there so much evil taking place on a daily basis in the world today?
And what lessons do we learn from history as to the victory of Jesus Christ on the Cross, the past defeat of Satan, and how we as the Body of Christ are called to enforce His victory, by our authority in Him. Your battle cry will be, “CHRISTUS VICTOR!”
Episode 2 // “Revelation Revolution” // Carl walks through the Book of Revelation and equips you in a fresh and relevant understanding of how to interpret the visions that John received. You learn a broad overview of the battle plans of the Father, the Son and the Spirit, and how Satan’s counterfeit Trinity is symbolized in Revelation as the Dragon, the Beasts, and the False Prophet.
This is our backdrop for the next 3 Episodes of 700-year Epochs of Salvation-History to see how the army of God advanced and was attacked by the Enemy, and advanced again!
Episode 3 // “The Battle Begins” // Carl begins in Jerusalem at the moment of the cross, resurrection, ascension and commissioning of the first disciples! He then walks through the highs and lows of 700 years: from the 1st to 8th Centuries A.D.
You’ll hear of monks and the Celtic Christian advance of the Gospel from Ireland all across Europe…and how the Enemy sought to stop it through attacks from within and outside the walls of the Church.
Episode 4 // “Your Kingdom Come” // Carl travels through Europe to showcase the next Epoch of 700 years, from the 8th to the 15th Centuries! You’ll learn of Charlemagne, Ansgar, Saint Olaf and others as they penetrated the dark world of the Vikings.
You’ll hear of early Middle Ages heroes and also the advance of Satanic assaults through Islam, the Fall of Constantinople and the Black Plague. And how God brought the Bible back to everyday blessing through Tyndale and others.
Episode 5 // “Jesus Takes New Territory” // Carl brings us through the 3rd Epoch of Salvation-History: the 15th to the current/21st Centuries! It has always been our Commission to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Learn how both Roman Catholic missionaries like St. Francis, Ignatius of Loyola, and others made their missions around the world, (including California)!
Carl also traces the Reformation and Great Awakenings and world missions leading us down to today…and into the coming days. You’ll hear of amazing people like Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians, George Whitefield, David Livingstone, Florence Nightingale, John G. Lake, Rees Howells, Corrie ten Boom, Billy Graham and his daughter Anne Graham Lotz, and others!
Episode 6 // “Apocalypse Now” // Learn how to combat the evil plans of the Powers by understanding the lessons learned from Salvation-History and how Satan’s counterfeit Trinity with his Dragon, Beasts and False Prophet are at work in the earth right now. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
You will learn how prayer is your most powerful weapon and how to hear the voice of God to begin receiving your own personal Marching Orders to prepare for the final Battle of the Ages, which is soon to commence.
Episode 7 // “Christus Victor!” // Carl looks at many modern stories of the advancement of Christianity and the current and potential future attacks of our Enemy, based on what Revelation teaches us is about to take place. You will also be challenged that you yourself can “hasten the Day” by your prayers of faith.
Loren Cunningham, whom Carl had the honor of interviewing before he went to be with the LORD, shares some riveting tales of the advancement of Christianity in the earth today.
And we close with the key verse of the Book, “And they overcame him, by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their Testimony, and they loved not their lives, even unto death.”
Learn how in the Final Battle, Christus Victor will be our eternal victory!
Trailer for our upcoming 2nd Season…