God has given leaders the solemn charge to guard, tend, feed and guide the ones belonging to the LORD (Acts 20:28). Taking this charge to heart, Born to Blaze Ministries wishes to come alongside your ministry, serving your flock and leaders and inspiring them to passionate discipleship; helping make disciples who are naturally supernatural and supernaturally natural.

I get the privilege of serving alongside leaders of all different sizes of churches, bible schools, conferences, and weekday/weekend retreats. I understand the challenge of inviting itinerant ministry to add relevant topics of teaching and gifting to your yearly vision.

My hope is that this page will make it easy for you to get the information you need to make the best decision possible for inviting me to preach and share teaching and impartation to your audience.

Thanks for stopping by. Thanks also for considering me. I am honored you are here.

Please Watch My Short, Personal Introduction Video

Invitation Video

An Overview of this Page

This page provides an overview of what I have to offer, along with a taste of what you can expect. You can click on the links below to take you directly to the relevant sections.

  • What You Can Expect
  • A Little Bit About Me
  • A Short Video with Preaching Clips from Around the World
  • My Most Requested Themes: Seminars, Bible Schools, Conferences
  • My Most Requested Preaching Themes: Sunday Mornings/Evenings
  • What Others Are Saying
  • The Next Step

If you want to check my availability for your event, or if you have some questions before proceeding further, please click here:

What You Can Expect

Here’s what you can expect from me (and my staff):

  1. Prompt replies to your phone calls, emails, and social media connections.
  2. A personal phone or Skype consultation with me prior to my visit, so we can better understand how I can best serve you and your team and/or congregation. Let’s get to know one another!
  3. An announcement about my visit to you on my blog and social media channels (this will offer additional visibility for you).
  4. A strong, scripturally-based & dynamically delivered presentation focused on your vision and themes you are sowing into your congregation. We will add fuel to your fire; we will help sow seeds of growth in the direction you are leading your people into. This may also include Media Clips from current films during the preaching/teaching, and if the format allows, time for Questions & Answers for people to gain more from the teaching topics. This may also include “impartation and activation” exercises through the presence of the Holy Spirit to allow people to flow in God’s power in new ways.
  5. A quick follow-up communication after the event with someone on my team, to make sure I met your expectations (I also want to know how you think I can improve). We LOVE testimonies too! Please email!

A Little More About Me

I started preaching the word and filming professional documentaries at the age of 17, and began Born to Blaze Ministries at the age of 22. I have preached in more than 20 Nations and many States around America.

Our vision for media development is to produce documentary films which teach, inspire, and challenge ordinary people (like me) to launch out and do extraordinary exploits for God.

I also love to write and have authored several books and am now developing a number of eBooks, blogs, and other media that are being offered as free resources. I love to bless and encourage people to go deeper in their walk with the LORD.

My wife and I live just west of Minneapolis, Minnesota in a smaller community. In my free time, I enjoy fishing, camping and campfires, golfing, reading & movies.

I enjoy spending quality time with my wife & kids. I also have been described as an “outgoing introvert” which sounds like a contradiction in terms! It means that while I love networking, meeting new people for coffee and sharing life; but I also get re-charged by retreating for alone time and quiet times of prayer and reflection.

Please don’t be offended if I ask for alone times in my hotel room to rest, pray, and re-charge my spiritual batteries with a James Bond or Lord of the Rings movie!

The following 3 Teaching Themes can be adapted to any church, conference or setting. They work well as 4 Sessions, and can be brought on a Thursday-Sunday evening, or even a Saturday with 3-4 Sessions and lunch break.

My Most Requested Theme for Teaching Seminars/Bible Schools/Conferences/Sunday Mornings:

1. Love Speaks: 21 Ways to Recognize God’s Multi-Faceted VoiceLove Speaks: 21 Ways to Recognize God's Multi-Faceted Voice by Carl Wesley Anderson

A Seminar or Conference-based set of exhortations based on themes of hearing God’s voice. Topics include:

  1. Key teaching on many of the 21 ways that God is reaching out each week
  2. Specific understanding on the 4 Gifts of the Spirit related to this topic
  3. Illumination of the Spirit & the Word: Hearing God’s Voice in His Word

NOTE: If booked as a Seminar, it includes practical “activations” in the gifts of the Holy Spirit; people “practice” listening to God for each other, in a safe environment of prayer, and learn to hear from God and utilize His gifts.

Here is a recent 15 Sermon preached on themes from Love Speaks, including a bit of Shakespeare you will not want to miss!

Note: I can present material from “Love Speaks” in any length of a Sermon for Sunday morning preaching time.

My Most Requested Theme for Preaching on Sunday Mornings/Evenings:

-LOVE SPEAKS! Book me for a lively 15-40 minute message filled with relevant teaching, scripture, and historical and modern examples from my new book and documentary film series!

“After you preached, I looked towards the heavens & I cried out to Jesus. The Holy Spirit came upon me & I was set free!”
Ps. MickVictory ChurchWales

The Next Step

Thanks again for considering inviting me for serving alongside you in an upcoming ministry time. You can take the next step by checking my availability.

We pray over each invitation.

Whatever your context, city, or nation, just click on the button below which will take you to our, “Invite Carl” contact form. Someone from my team will get back with you right away.