Welcome to the home of Carl Wesley Anderson & Born to Blaze Ministries
Click the “Play” button to watch a brief introduction of Born to Blaze Ministries
from Executive Director, Rev. Carl Wesley Anderson
Click the “Play” button to watch a brief introduction of Born to Blaze Ministries
from Executive Director, Rev. Carl Wesley Anderson
Our Mission:
To empower and equip Believers as witnesses for the Savior and to call people to repentance.
We utilize various forms of media to create ministry resources that highlight life-altering historical stories of faith, as inspiration for Believers to be passionate in discipleship!
We also work alongside ministries to educate, equip and empower people in hearing God’s voice and outreach.
Learn More About Carl Wesley Anderson: Author, Filmmaker, Minister, & Speaker
*Learn & recognize 21 unique ways to hear God’s voice continuously
*Grow in your ability to discern the authentic voice of God: the Father, Son and Spirit
*Practically apply this teaching to help you share God’s love to the world
Available on Amazon Worldwide, and now ON SALE at https://www.LoveSpeaks.Today
“LOVE SPEAKS completely took me by surprise. I read books about hearing God all the time, but they don’t grip me the way that LOVE SPEAKS did. By reading Carl’s book, you will advance in your journey of hearing God’s voice! I love his writing style and felt hungrier for this very dear subject to my heart.”
“The very heart of LOVE SPEAKS is an invitation to understand how much we are deeply loved, totally known, and seen by the Father. These resources will be a great blessing in understanding your friendship with God!”
I absolutely LOVE this documentary Series! It has changed the way I pray. Now I actually EXPECT that God WANTS to and WILL help me recognize the ways in which He is speaking.
Each Episode speaks to me personally because I believe God is speaking through the stories that Carl has created. They are full of wisdom and insight.
These numerous, real-life examples from Salvation-History and modern times both illustrate and MOTIVATE!
After watching, “Love Speaks” by Brother Carl, I have fallen deeper in love with JESUS!
This unique Series has truly helped me acquire a more intimate relationship with Him, and the many Ways God speaks to you are invaluable.
This is a resource I will watch over and over again. I would urge anyone to KEEP LISTENING AND TAKE A DEEPER DIVE WITH GOD!
Partner with our Ministry Today!
We invite you to participate with Born to Blaze Ministries through your generous support.
We are a non-profit ministry that relies on support from people like you.
If everyone reading this gives either a Special Donation or Monthly – we can continue to grow, go, & reach the world!
Ready to hear God’s voice continually? SUBSCRIBE for a FREE eBook and a monthly “Listener Updates” Devotional eLetter on themes of hearing the voice of the LORD.
Hearing the Voice of Our Father
If you’re like most of my readers, you long to hear the voice of the Father Himself. Jesus heard His voice every day, & you can, too.
Reading my FREE eBook will help you encounter a more intimate relationship with the Father through receiving His love!
Join thousands of others by subscribing to our Monthly “Listener Updates” & get this free eBook called, “Hearing the Voice of Our Father.”