Daring to Walk with God // From History to Hope Episode 3

WHAT IF you could encounter God’s voice every time you were daring enough to take a walk with God?

It’s a dare, right? We are talking about the God of all Creation, and the God of all Providence, meeting with you on a walk!

Let me share some brief teaching on these 2 themes, from Ways 6 & 7 to recognize God’s multi-faceted voice from my book, LOVE SPEAKS.

First, you can hear the voice of God in all of His Creation.

Take a Walk with the Father of Creation

When Jesus taught us the simplicity of learning to trust Him for all our daily needs, He shared this unique word in Matthew 6.

“CONSIDER…the birds. CONSIDER…the lilies”

That word, “CONSIDER” is the Greek word, “KATANOEO” which means,

“The attention paid is intense, and the contemplation is broad and thorough, resulting in complete understanding.”

In other words, Jesus Himself taught you “how” to take a walk with Him!


Here’s how…

(1) Notice God’s creation. If you see something move—a bird, a butterfly, a squirrel–anything. Stop and watch it.

Watch it move, or watch it be still. Look at the trees, the flowers, even the sky.

Look at the contrast of colors and different shades of green all around you.

CONSIDER and listen to the voice of God!

Love Speaks through Nature

Love Speaks Through Nature

Finish your walk, then…

(2) Look back at what you just saw and heard, and thank God for it.

What do you now carry with you into your life that you did not have before?

The Holy Spirit within you will teach you of the majesty of God through the naturally supernatural world all around you.


God is the God of your Tomorrows

That’s right! What do I mean when I use the term, “Providence”? A simple definition:

Your Father is speaking through His direct and in-direct leadings of circumstances and outward signs. He is taking the initiative to bring His good will to pass for you.

Really? Sure. Remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 10: 29-31,

“Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.”

You Are More Valuable Than Sparrows

You Are More Valuable Than Sparrows

I like to put it this way: BELIEVE His love for you is so real, He has already visited your tomorrow and is preparing good things for you!

He is the God of your tomorrows!

You can hear God’s voice EVERYWHERE!

This unique Episode of my Telly award-winning Historical Documentary Series, “From History to Hope” shares on both of these themes.

The truth? God speaks through Creation, and God speaks through Providence.

Here’s a summary of what’s included in the 25 minute Episode.

I open it by inviting you on a walk: a walk in a snowstorm in fact!

This Episode ties together 2 special stories from Salvation-History.

First, those of the ancient Christian Celts in England and the U.K. who learned how to communicate with God: in all of His NATURE & CREATION!

I share a very personal story of a walk I once took in the midst of my cancer battle, and how God spoke to me through the simplicity of a rock during that walk.

Secondly I cover the subject of “PROVIDENCE.”

I travel over to Holland and visit the famous “Hiding Place” where Sister Corrie ten Boom and her family hid over 800 Jews fleeing from the Nazis in WW II.

Carl Visits "The Hiding Place"

Carl Visits “The Hiding Place”

I share some incredible lessons of God’s Providence in the life of Corrie from inside a Concentration Camp which will surely inspire you.

And I end the Episode back in the snow to remind us all how unique we are, and to, “Dare to take a walk with God” and learn to listen to His voice!

You can learn more about the whole TV Series, “From History to Hope” by visiting our website HERE.

And you can enjoy the full 25 minute Episode, streaming free on our YouTube Channel right now! Please Subscribe for future free films and teachings!

Dare to Take a WALK WITH GOD & Recognize His Voice!

Dare to Take a WALK WITH GOD & Recognize His Voice! – YouTube

So are you daring enough to take a walk with God? Not only will He be present with you on your walk in His Creation, but you’ll also discover in His Providence He has already gone ahead of you!






The Gifts of the Spirit 101

How much do we all need the gifts of the Spirit 101 training course for today!

Did you know that all 9 are relevant for extending the Father’s love to the nations?

And in my book LOVE SPEAKS, and in the MASTERCLASS and TV Series, I teach that there are 4 of them in particular that are related to hearing the voice of God. More on that later.

Being raised a “Lutheran” I thought the Holy Spirit was just a Dove that showed up at the baptism of Jesus.

I had no idea that He was the personal presence and the “gift of the Father” through Jesus for us to walk with, learn to listen to, and to flow in His gifts.

Imagine my surprise when I received a double dose of His power simply by asking for it!

Are the Gifts for today? Can you prove it? Excellent questions!


There is Scriptural Proof of the present reality of the gifts and an extension of the Kingdom of God upon the earth.

And 4 of them are taught uniquely in LOVE SPEAKS as Gifts to help us hear the voice of God!

Are they really for today?

Paul proves to us that the gifts of the Spirit are needed in this whole Dispensation and will be with us as powerful blessings until the end of the Age when Jesus returns.

He writes to the Corinthians,

“I thank my God always concerning you, for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus…even as the testimony concerning Christ was confirmed in you, so that YOU ARE NOT LACKING IN ANY GIFT, awaiting eagerly the revelation of our LORD Jesus Christ, who shall confirm you to the end, blameless in the Day of our LORD Jesus Christ” (I Corinthians 1:4-8).


What do we learn from Paul in this passage?

  • (1) The gifts of the Spirit are an extension of the grace of God (verse 4).
  • (2) The gifts testify of the reality of Jesus and His Kingdom (verse 6).
  • (3) Paul wants all believers to be actively pursuing and flowing in the Gifts (verse 7).
  • (4) The Gifts are a part of this current Dispensation, and will be active until the return of the LORD Jesus Christ in the Second Coming (verse 8).


Let’s ask a few questions.

What are the 9 gifts of the Spirit? Here’s the answer:

“But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. For to one is given the WORD OF WISDOM through the Spirit, and to another the WORD OF KNOWLEDGE according to the same Spirit, to another FAITH by the same Spirit, and to another the GIFTS OF HEALING by the one Spirit, and to another the EFFECTING OF MIRACLES, and to another PROPHECY, and to another the DISTINGUISHING OF SPIRITS, to another VARIOUS KINDS OF TONGUES, and to another the INTREPRETATION OF TONGUES” (I Corinthians 12:7-10).

Exciting right?

Have the Gifts of the Spirit always been in operation through God’s people?

Answer: 7 of the 9 have been in operation since the Book of Genesis! Only 2 of them are brand new to this Dispensation.

What? REALLY? Yes! Which 2 are brand new?

Answer: the Gift of Tongues and the Interpretation of Tongues (these were given to the Church on the Day of Pentecost as new gifts especially for this time of the “Church Age”; see Acts 2 for a further understanding).

Question: when did the gifts “die out” for the Church?

Answer: NEVER! Yes, it’s true that as the Church spread throughout Rome, in the first few hundred years they were not as practiced as they should have been. But the testimony of Jesus and the extension of the Kingdom in all the world has been witnessed in every generation of Salvation-History through all 9 Gifts, and they are needed for today and for tomorrow, until the LORD Jesus Christ returns!


This Lutheran boy became a real SUPERHERO overnight…

The “real Avengers” are those who are filled with the Spirit (all believers have a measure) and are committed to extending the Kingdom of God upon the earth.

You too can learn to flow in the 9 gifts of the Spirit, and not just for your own blessing, but in reality they are for the blessing of others!

When Jesus began to establish His Kingdom in these realms, He opened the scroll of Isaiah to declare that the Holy Spirit was to be the love of God in action,

“The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor, He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind; to set free those who are downtrodden, to proclaim the favorable year of the LORD” (Luke 4:18-19).

Can you see it? The Holy Spirit flowing through the Church, on this side of the Cross, is extending God’s love, restoration, healing and miracles, deliverance and salvation…to all the world! The Ministry of Jesus continues through you and I!

Time to become a real superhero: pray for the sick until you see them recover; cast out demons and bring freedom; flow in the gift of prophecy and share God’s destiny with people. And the list goes on!

Becoming Supernaturally Natural

The gifts of the Spirit enable all of us Believers to be supernaturally natural!

Finally, what 4 Gifts are related to LOVE SPEAKS and are taught on in the MASTERCLASS?

Answer: Prophecy, the Word of Wisdom, the Word of Knowledge, and the Discerning of Spirits.

All of these subjects will be future Blogs. For now, I encourage you to activate your faith and flow in the Gifts of the Spirit! And that ends our Class, “The Gifts of the Spirit 101” and I encourage you to learn more.

FREE GIFT: here is a link to this full 17 minute teaching from my new LOVE SPEAKS MASTERCLASS. Enjoy this link today, and start off your learning by enrolling the MASTERCLASS with a special 20% Discount! Just enter this Code when you sign up for 20% off!


Click HERE for more info on the MASTERCLASS.

The Inner Witness = Spiritual Intuition

Here is a simple way to work with the Holy Spirit whenever you are seeking fresh direction, or seeking to confirm a direction or a path and you already have at least the Word of God to light the way.

Think for a moment of the three lights at a traffic intersection. You know what those lights signal:

Red = “stop” or “no”

Yellow = “caution”

Green = “go!”I have utilized this very simple application in prayer hundreds of times. As you get better at working along with the Holy Spirit at this, it will become quite natural.

You will want to actively ask the Holy Spirit, in relation to a particular situation you are facing,

“LORD, red, yellow, or green?”

And then wait upon the Lord and see what you can sense in your inner spirit.

I think this approach is a little bit radical. I know that many of you are wondering by now how this and other approaches affect your mind. I mean, God gave you a mind and reason to be used, didn’t He?


So this approach is radical because it tends to bypass the faculties of the natural mind.

In the West, we have been taught that the pursuit of knowledge and the faculty of reason reign supreme. We live in a rational world with scientific proof explaining nearly everything around us, from the smallest micro-organisms to the largest black holes and new cosmoses being discovered yearly.

This is only half of the way God has fashioned us in His wisdom.

The other half is what I term the intuitive, the part of us that just “knows-that-we-know-that-we-know” without it being a rational discussion of physical proof.

The God of the Bible is the God who created man and woman uniquely in His own image, and breathed into them the Spirit of life, and created both the rational and intuitive inside each of us.

NOTE: your “sense” will ALWAYS line up with the truth of the Word of God!

Genesis teaches clearly that the rational part of us and the intuitive part of us have been affected by the Fall. In a very real sense, the spirit of man became inactive after the Fall.

You will note in Genesis 3 that God forbade Adam and Eve from re-entering the intimate place of fellowship with Him, communicating Spirit-to-spirit.

He did not allow them to eat or partake of the Tree of Life.

Jesus Christ Himself poured out the life-giving, life-filled Holy Spirit at His ascension, as a gift from the Father. We are reborn and our inner spirit becomes active once again and receives communication daily from Heaven.

“There is a faculty we may term ‘spiritual intuition.’ It is the most difficult to speak of because it is by far the deepest aspect of our beings and often defies neat and tidy categories,” writes Andy and Jane Fitz-Gibbon. “In seeking the mind of God we need the humility to move beyond our own powers of reason and to seek an intuition given Spirit to spirit.
“It will often be in the form of an inner check or confirmation.
“That’s it. Do That.”
“No, don’t do that.”
“The inner “yes” and “amen” of God is often a fleeting impression like the gentle breeze felt but difficult to grasp hold of.”

So, to sum up the understanding of the inner witness, the Holy Spirit, as a Person of the Trinity, knows and understands you and lives in your human spirit.

As you pray and ask Him to speak, you can expect something like a set of traffic lights to be there; a kind of YES in your heart when the light is GREEN, meaning,

“Go, and I am with you.”

Or a kind of CAUTION light sometimes is the sign within if the situation needs you to step back and perhaps wait for further guidance, or to proceed with caution.

Or a “NO, don’t do that” will be heard in your spirit, followed by almost a check or tightness inside. Like a RED light.

Every day of your life, get in contact with the witness of the Holy Spirit within, and learn through trial and error just how to gain “spiritual intuition” through the Inner Witness.

**Excerpt from LOVE SPEAKS, Chapter 3, “Follow the Witness” by Carl Wesley Anderson. Paperback, Audio book or eBook available now,


Experience the Daily Provision of the Word!

It’s a cool Spring day here in Minnesota as I open my Bible to one of my favorite “I Am” statements of Jesus in John’s gospel.

Just preceding this beautiful revelation of who Jesus is for us, He first multiplies the lad’s 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to feed over 5,000 people miraculously.

Nobody had ever done that before.

Then, He says,

“It is not Moses who has given you the bread out of heaven, but it is My Father who gives you the true bread out of heaven…I AM the Bread of life” (John 6:32, 35).

As a context for this, remember back to one of the ways of God’s provision as the children of Israel endured their wilderness wanderings. The story of the manna falling from Heaven is recorded in both Exodus 16 and Numbers 11.

God actually fed them with one loaf of bread at a time. It was a substance that fell from the sky and had a unique blend of ingredients that both tasted good and sustained them for one full day of travel.

They were not allowed to store the bread.

The provision of the Heavenly Bread was only good for one day; it could not be eaten the next day. So faith had to be applied each and every day in order for fresh provision to be enjoyed.

In John’s gospel Jesus was teaching that He is the “the Bread of life.”

One aspect of this revelation is that we need to feed upon Him DAILY.

The application of this wonderful truth, symbolized by the manna in the wilderness and of Jesus Himself being the Living Word, is that you can enjoy a fresh meal (a fresh “word from the Word”) every day.

You, too, cannot live solely on the revelations He has given yesterday. Did you know you can seek Him afresh every day to receive fresh Bread as spiritual nourishment from His Word?

That’s right: today is the day of salvation!

Today is the day to receive His revelation from His Living Word for you, personally!

When was the last time you opened your Bible in expectation and felt the Holy Spirit supply a fresh Word directly to you, for your current situation?

If you have been praying for guidance, or are in need of a touch of His love, then the answer should always be,


An abundance of Heavenly Provision awaits you!

***Excerpt from, “Love Speaks: 21 Ways to Recognize God’s Multi-Faceted Voice” available for purchase here: https://www.lovespeaks.today/book.html

Lifted Up on the Rock of the Word

The Bible, the Word of God, is our only infallible source of hearing the voice of God, wouldn’t you agree?

With our culture of “information overload,” it’s sometimes good to get back to the basics.

The Bible contains God’s wonderful bedrock of established Truth (Truth with a capital, “T”)!

I’ve been meditating upon Psalm 27 a lot recently. The Psalmist wrote prophetically of Jesus Christ, our Savior:

“In the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me upon a rock, and now my head will be lifted up above my enemies round about me” (Psalm 27: 5-6a).

Wonderful! You are hidden in the secret place with Jesus. He is symbolized here as a ROCK upon which you can continually come, and with His perspective, be lifted up above your enemies, and re-align yourself with Truth.

Practical Application:

Here is a short list of just 5 “needs” that you might currently be facing. On the right is “the answer” of that need, some “Truth with a capital T” for you to memorize.

Whatever the need, there are answers in the Established Word!

The Need // The Answer

Healing // Isaiah 53: 4-5, I Peter 2:24

Encouragement // Psalm 27, 2 Corinthians 4

Repentance // Psalm 51, I John 1:9

Peace // Psalm 23, Philippians 4: 6-7

National Crisis // 2 Kings 19: 14-19, Revelation 12: 11

Develop a daily discipline of study of the Word, memorizing certain passages, and spending quality time in the presence of the LORD meditating upon His Word! Be lifted up upon the ROCK!

-Carl Wesley Anderson

***A short excerpt from Chapter 1, Way #1: The Established Word, from, “Love Speaks: 21 Ways to Recognize God’s Multi-Faceted Voice” available here: https://www.lovespeaks.today/book.html

The Man From George Street

Carl’s Note: Many years ago the LORD called me to serve the believers of Australia, & as a result I have been invited there many times & personally walked & prayed along George Street near the Sydney Harbor. You will be inspired by the following true life story from Dr. Francis Dixon.

Your life & evangelistic witness makes a daily difference for eternity!

This story is a little longer than most of my Posts, (still only about a 5 minute read), but it’s worth the effort. -Brother Carl

“I was a widely-traveled pastor in England (from Lansdowne Baptist Church). One night in church I asked a man named Peter to share his testimony.

Peter got up and said, “This is how I was saved. I was in the Royal Navy.

“I was walking down George Street in Sydney, Australia and out of nowhere stepped a little old gray-haired man and he said to me,

‘Excuse me, sir, but could I ask you a question? I hope that it won’t offend you, but if you were to die today, where would you spend eternity? The Bible says that it will either be in Heaven or it will be in Hell. Would you think about that, please? Thank you, God bless you, and Toodle-oo!’

“Then the man left. I had never been confronted with that question – I couldn’t get it out of my mind; I got back to London, I sought out a pastor, and I became a Christian.”

Several weeks later we had a revival in the church and Noel, one of the visiting revival team, shared his testimony,

“This is how I came to know Christ. I was in the Royal Navy and I was walking down George Street in Sydney, Australia and out of nowhere stepped a little old gray-haired man. He said to me,

‘Excuse me, sir, but could I ask you a question? If you were to die today, where would you spend eternity?’

What he said bothered me and later, I sought out a Christian, and I was converted to Christ.”

Several months after that I was in the city of Adelaide in eastern Australia and I thought that I would share the testimony of Peter and Noel.

A man in the congregation jumped up waving his hands and said, “Well, I’m another – the same thing happened to me. I couldn’t get what he said out of my mind and I became a follower of Jesus.”

I then went to western Australia for a revival meeting and shared this story and afterwards a deacon of the church came to me and said,

“Dr. Dixon, I’m another, I’d never been asked that question, and later I prayed to receive Christ.”

I went back to my home church in England and shared about Peter and Noel and the man in Adelaide and the deacon from the western part of Australia. When I finished, a young lady came up to me and said, “Pastor Dixon, I’m another, this man said the same thing to me and later I became a believer.”

Several weeks after that, I was attending a conference in northern England where I shared this growing story.

Afterwards, a man came up to me and said, “Dr. Dixon, well, I’m another. I was on a business trip to Sydney and this obnoxious, spiteful little man stepped out of a shop doorway, offered me a religious pamphlet, and accosted me with a question,

‘Excuse me sir, are you saved? If you die tonight, are you going to Heaven?’

“I tried to tell him I was a Baptist Elder. He wouldn’t listen to me.

“I came home and told my pastor, thinking he would sympathize, but he agreed! He had been disturbed for years knowing that I didn’t have a relationship with Jesus…and he was right. I made Jesus my Lord and Savior!”

A year later I went on a world speaking tour and one of the stops was India. I was at a missionary conference and spoke on the topic of personal evangelism.

I thought to myself, “What a perfect illustration!” I went through the story and afterwards a missionary came up to me and said, “Dr. Dixon, I’m another, it happened the same way for me and I trusted Christ soon after.”

After India I went to Jamaica. I was at a meeting with a group of pastors. I shared this story with them. A pastor came up afterwards and said,

“Excuse me, Dr. Dixon, I’m another, the exact same thing happened to me and later, I was converted and went on to seminary.”

Next I stopped in Atlanta, Georgia to speak at a Naval Chaplain convention. Here for 3 days I spoke to over 1,000 Naval Chaplains.

Afterwards the Chaplain General took me out for a meal and I asked the Chaplain how he became a Christian. He shared that he was a reprobate drunk in his days in the Service, and while doing exercises in the South Pacific, they stopped in Sydney Harbor.

“I got off a bus on George Street, blind drunk, and this ghost-of-a-man jumped out in front of me, pushed a pamphlet in my hand and said,

‘Sailor, are you saved? If you die tonight are you going to Heaven?’

“The fear of God hit me immediately.

“I was shocked sober, ran back to the ship, and sought out the Chaplain. He led me to Christ. I soon began to prepare for the ministry under his guidance. I am now in charge of 1,000 chaplains who are bent on soul winning.”

Well, do I need to tell you where I went next?

I went to Sydney, Australia.

I sought out a Christian friend of mine and told him the stories and asked if he knew a little gray-haired man on George Street?

“Oh, yes! Everybody knows him. That’s Mr. Frank Jenner. But he’s very old now and he’s in the hospital confined to his bed.”

I asked my friend to take me to Mr. Jenner. We went to the hospital and I introduced himself. As I was giving specifics of each story, Mr. Jenner began to weep.

Frank Jenner

Frank Jenner

And he wept and he wept.

I asked, “What’s wrong?”

And Mr. Jenner said,

“When I came to Christ, I promised Him that I would share Jesus as a simple witness to at least 10 people a day. In my retirement years, the best place to do this was George Street. I got lots of rejections, but a lot of people courteously took the tract.

“In over 40 years of doing this, Sir, I have never heard of one single person coming to Jesus…until today.”

Mr. Jenner died two weeks later.

–A true account, shared by Dr. Francis Dixon before his death, 1985.

*To watch my new Love Speaks Documentary Film Series with many intriguing stories from Salvation-History like this one, please visit

The Official Love Speaks Page


Real X-Ray Vision: the gift of discerning of spirits

What if you could be a REAL Superhero by operating in the very special gift of the Holy Spirit known as ‘the discerning of spirits’?

You can! You can enter a gateway and see into the spirit realm, day or night.

It’s God’s way of elevating your life into the realm of the Spirit, and seeing things as they really are through prayer and discernment.

What is your favorite Superhero? I might be a bit old-fashioned, but I still love SUPERMAN (and SUPERGIRL). In particular, their ability to see things that no one else around them could see.

X-Ray Vision.

God has developed His own X-Ray Vision for His people!

There are 4 gifts of the Holy Spirit which the Apostle Paul lists in 1 Corinthians 12 that are available to every believer (who is operating in them by faith) to help you hear the multi-faceted voice of God.

Here is a simple definition of this gift:

“It’s a supernatural enablement to see into the spirit world. By this insight, inspired by the Holy Spirit, you can discern the glory of God, the risen Christ, hosts of angels, or even Satan and his demonic forces.”

Besides being found as a gift in Paul’s list to the Corinthians, we find this gift in operation through the Spirit throughout both the Old & New Testaments:

Ezekiel saw the glory of God next to the river, Isaiah saw the Throne, Jesus saw Satan, “fall from Heaven like lightening,” Stephen beheld the risen Christ and the glory of God just before he was martyred, and John the Revelator saw the visions of Christ.

“The telescope may reveal the galaxies of space,” wrote Howard Carter, “and the microscope the mysteries of the minute, but only the discerning of spirits can introduce us to the spirit world.”

So how can you grow in your operation of this gift?

By faith, of course!

Begin to pray and ask the LORD to activate this gift in your inner spirit.

It is especially effective in discerning good and evil in people and places you travel, and helping you to stay on a good course of action at all times. Combining this gift with your prayer life is a BOOST to your supernatural experience and a very present “help” in time of need when you are praying for other people to be free from addiction, physical healing, or even demonic oppression.

I have met some people who have never “seen” in the Spirit realm but have “sensed” both angels and/or the demonic realm by operating in this gift, which tells me that the LORD is creative as He operates this gift through you.

Some “see” and others “sense.”

I remember reading an extraordinary story of John G. Lake, a pioneer healing evangelist in the Pentecostal days. He was discouraged by many people who were not being set free in prayer in his services. So one evening he operated in this gift and saw into the spirit realm. He beheld a whole army of demons, trying desperately but suddenly unable to stop the power of God’s Spirit in operation above his own church building.

The glory of God won the battle, and the darkness lost. What an encouragement for this man who had labored in prayer for an answer. Healings and miracles broke out and the discouragement he had felt lifted–from that very hour!

A final word of encouragement from Howard Carter,

“If one covets the greater gifts, and the LORD is pleased to bestow them, you will be led deeper into your spiritual heritage, and will witness the gracious, yet unlimited, power of God in operation. A consciousness that has become truly united with God in His work is able to continue the beneficent ministry of the MASTER which commenced 2,000 years ago.”

So go ahead SUPERMAN or SUPERGIRL, and trust God for X-Ray Vision!

Carl Wesley Anderson, June 5th, 2018.

***To learn even more about this Way, or any of the 21 Ways to Recognize God’s Multi-Faceted Voice, visit https://www.lovespeaks.today/book.html

Become a Dreamer of Dreams!

Have you dreamed lately?

I only ask because dreams are one of the 7 Common Ways that Love Speaks, from my new book, Love Speaks: 21 Ways to Recognize God’s Multi-Faceted Voice.

In fact, they fall as #11 in the book, and if you have faith to believe it, God is communicating nightly with you in your dreams and in visions of the night seasons.

Did I say, “nightly”?


Yes. Quite possibly.

That means tonight!

Throughout 6,000+ years of salvation-history, God has been dialoguing with us through the amazing prophetic language of our dreams in the night. From Genesis to Revelation, from Revelation to today, dreams are consistently one of the most amazing ways of Love Speaking.

Dreams can be either literal or symbolic. Most often, I believe they are symbolic, and they are made up of parables and metaphors.

Jesus utilized these tools of communication to teach vast truths, and the Book of Revelations’ visions contain them, too.

Our dreams are filled with metaphors.

Here’s what Adam Thompson and Adrian Beale have to say about this from their amazing book, The Divinity Code (published by Destiny Image, Shippensburg, PA, 2011), page 72.

“God speaks to us in parables because they relate to us and have greater potential to be anchored in our minds. He also encodes His wisdom using metaphors because they are more readily received, they create a hunger in us for the interpretation, and they bypass our heart’s natural self-protective tendencies.”

You might remember those dreams that God gave Pharaoh and how Joseph was filled with the Spirit and properly interpreted their symbolism to help prepare all of Egypt for coming famine.

You and I are likewise filled with the Spirit in these “Last Days” and God wants each one of you to get better at both recognizing how He is speaking to you through dreams and properly interpreting your dreams.

Learn to do both!

How do you learn to interpret?

The #1 way is: read your Bible & be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Sounds simple, right? Read your Bible more and more often, as God utilizes the Word as His primary source of leading within dreams (for the believer).

And you need the Holy Spirit, as He is the Great Interpreter of your dreams!

For example, if you see an EAGLE tonight in your dreams, it could mean one of a dozen Scriptural possibilities for you, including,

God, the LORD Himself, yourself as a Seer/prophet, being lifted by the Spirit (achieving something not by human effort), strength, wisdom, or judgement, or many more!

And here are some Scriptures that have an EAGLE as these possible interpretations:

Isaiah 40, Matthew 24, Exodus 19, I Samuel 9, 2 Samuel 1, Deuteronomy 28 & 32, Psalm 103, Revelation 12, John 20 & Daniel 10 (and there are even more).

Dreams can build faith, bring illumination, confirm direction, or even be warnings from the LORD.

Here’s a great story from the life of evangelist Reinhart Bonnke.

One night, both he and his brother Jurgen had the same dream, thousands of miles apart, and neither one of them knew it at the time.

In the dream, Jurgen was crossing a huge suspension bridge and then falling into an abyss.

After this dream, Jurgen asked God in prayer to confirm that it was indeed a warning from Him by verifying it in some way through his brother.

In the mail soon after, Jurgen received a letter from Reinhart, detailing the dream, with the same night as he had received it. The witness of the two dreams led Jurgen to receive Christ as his Savior!

Recognize and expect that tonight could be a night of dreaming with God!

Try praying this tonight as your head hits the pillow,

“LORD, speak to me tonight in my dreams! Meet with me as I sleep, and help me know Your ways.”

Become a Dreamer of Dreams!

Carl Wesley Anderson, April 14th, 2018.

Learn even more through reading Chapter 11 of my book, “Love Speaks.” You can purchase it here: https://www.lovespeaks.today/book.html

Don’t Let Go of the Rope!

The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you” (NLT, Psalm 32:8).

This morning (March 15th, 2018) I stumbled upon an old story from the great English preacher, Charles Spurgeon, and it encouraged me. Let me share it with you.

“We were at the foot of Mount Blanc in the village of Chamouni. A sad thing had happened the day before. A young physician had determined to reach the heights of Mt. Blanc. He accomplished the feat and the little village was illuminated in his honor; on the mountain-side a flag was floating that told of his victory. After he had ascended, and descended as far as the hut, he wanted to be released from his guide; he wanted to be free from the rope and insisted on going on alone.

The guide remonstrated with him, telling him it was not safe; but he was tired of the rope, and declared that he would be free. The guide was compelled to yield.

The young man had gone only a short distance when his foot slipped on the ice and he could not stop himself from sliding down the icy steeps. The rope was gone, so the guide could not hold him nor pull him back. Out on the shelving ice lay the body of the young physician.

The bells had been rung, the village had been illumined in honor of his success; but alas, in a fatal moment he refused to be guided; he was tired of the rope.

Do YOU get tired of the rope? God’s providences hold us, restrain us, and we get tired sometimes. We need our Guide, and shall, until the dangerous paths are over. Never get disengaged from your Guide.

Let your prayer be,

“Lead Thou me on.” -C. H. Spurgeon

So let me encourage each of you reading this during this month: the LORD is your Guide! Don’t let go of the rope! Seek Him daily in His Word, and be in continual prayer. Be assured, you are on the best possible pathway for your life.

Trust your Guide & keep on going…

Until next month, remember Psalm 32:8, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

Brother Carl of


If You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going

“For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised” (Hebrews 10:36).

I have had a really, really tough few years of receiving cancer treatments. Last month I was ready to give up. There have been several moments like this in my journey with cancer.

What did I do?

I’ll return to this in a moment. For now, let me encourage you with a short story that was sent to me by a warrior woman of great faith, Pastor Dorothy Langstaff. She’s been an inspiration to me for over 2 decades.

She sent me this in the midst of my cancer battle, so I am passing it on to you, along with some closing comments.

“In 1952 young Florence Chadwick stepped into the Pacific, just off Catalina Island, determined to swim to the mainland of California. She’d already been the first woman to swim the English Channel—both ways.

The weather was foggy and chilly; she could hardly see the boats accompanying her. Still, she swam for 15 hours.

When she begged to be taken out of the water, her mother, who was in a boat alongside, told her she was close and that she could make it.

Finally, physically and emotionally exhausted, she stopped swimming and was pulled out. It wasn’t until she was on the boat that she discovered that the shore was less than half a mile away.

At a news conference the next day she said, “All I could see was the fog…I think if I could have seen the shore I would have made it.”

What about you? Are you going through a fog right now? Keep going.

Are you going through misunderstandings, financial hardships, or relational issues? Keep going.

So last month I had another PET-CT Scan which looked clean, and I was expecting to be told I could stop the immunotherapy Treatments with their side-effects. Upon closer inspection, my Oncologist saw what he thought could be a remaining tumor, and recommended I stay on the Treatment.

I decided to endure.

Sometimes you are called to walk a journey of faith with the sun shining and the birds singing. Joyful days!

Other times, (and I think these are common so that God can stretch your faith and prove Himself to you), you walk into a fog and there seems no end of it.

Will the fog ever lift? Yes. Someday. It might not be today.

Is HIS GRACE really sufficient for you, personally? Yes.

Take fresh courage today.

Believe the writer of Hebrews. “For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.”

As Winston Churchill once very possibly declared,

“If you’re going through Hell, keep going…”

By Carl Wesley Anderson, 11/11/2017

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