Visions of the Nations: Love Speaks Full Episode with Loren Cunningham!

LOVE SPEAKS Episode 10 YWAM Special Edition with Loren Cunninghmam // "Visions of the Nations"Watch this video on YouTube Visions of the Nations (click to play the full 28 minute Episode) I was so saddened to learn of the death of YWAM Founder, Loren Cunningham. I had the honor of being invited by Loren twice […]

Daring to Walk with God // From History to Hope Episode 3

WHAT IF you could encounter God’s voice every time you were daring enough to take a walk with God? It’s a dare, right? We are talking about the God of all Creation, and the God of all Providence, meeting with you on a walk! Let me share some brief teaching on these 2 themes, from […]

The Gifts of the Spirit 101

How much do we all need the gifts of the Spirit 101 training course for today! Did you know that all 9 are relevant for extending the Father’s love to the nations? And in my book LOVE SPEAKS, and in the MASTERCLASS and TV Series, I teach that there are 4 of them in particular […]

The Inner Witness = Spiritual Intuition

Here is a simple way to work with the Holy Spirit whenever you are seeking fresh direction, or seeking to confirm a direction or a path and you already have at least the Word of God to light the way. Think for a moment of the three lights at a traffic intersection. You know what […]

Experience the Daily Provision of the Word!

It’s a cool Spring day here in Minnesota as I open my Bible to one of my favorite “I Am” statements of Jesus in John’s gospel. Just preceding this beautiful revelation of who Jesus is for us, He first multiplies the lad’s 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to feed over 5,000 people miraculously. […]

Love Speaks: Blog from Alan Langstaff

“Many years ago I realized that one of the most important skills a leader must develop is the ability to hear the voice of the Lord. If you are not hearing God’s voice, how can you lead the people who will be following you? Since all of us (at least the majority of us) are […]

Lifted Up on the Rock of the Word

The Bible, the Word of God, is our only infallible source of hearing the voice of God, wouldn’t you agree? With our culture of “information overload,” it’s sometimes good to get back to the basics. The Bible contains God’s wonderful bedrock of established Truth (Truth with a capital, “T”)! I’ve been meditating upon Psalm 27 […]

Real X-Ray Vision: the gift of discerning of spirits

What if you could be a REAL Superhero by operating in the very special gift of the Holy Spirit known as ‘the discerning of spirits’? You can! You can enter a gateway and see into the spirit realm, day or night. It’s God’s way of elevating your life into the realm of the Spirit, and […]

Become a Dreamer of Dreams!

Have you dreamed lately? I only ask because dreams are one of the 7 Common Ways that Love Speaks, from my new book, Love Speaks: 21 Ways to Recognize God’s Multi-Faceted Voice. In fact, they fall as #11 in the book, and if you have faith to believe it, God is communicating nightly with you […]

Don’t Let Go of the Rope!

The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you” (NLT, Psalm 32:8). This morning (March 15th, 2018) I stumbled upon an old story from the great English preacher, Charles Spurgeon, and it encouraged me. Let me share it with you. “We were […]


This is my most recent blog (by Carl Wesley Anderson).

I was so saddened to learn of the death recently of YWAM Founder, Loren Cunningham.

I had the honor of being invited by Loren twice to Kona to interview him for LOVE SPEAKS.

He is a part of multiple Episodes sharing his amazing stories of God’s leadings.

In his honor, and to spread a very special Legacy Message that I asked him to give us all, I have uploaded the 28-minute version of Love Speaks, Episode 10: “Visions of the Nations” for you as a blessing.

Carl with Loren Cunningham

I know you will love this Episode, as it opens in Hawaii and I interview Loren about his book, “Is That Really You, God?” which changed my life and taught me so many ways that Love is Speaking.

I hope you will watch this film and please do pass along the link to a few friends and family who would also be blessed by watching it.

You will also learn how to expect to receive visions in prayer as a continuous “Way” to recognize God’s multi-faceted voice!

I spent some precious hours with Loren and always felt I was sitting next to a General in the Faith. What an inspiration!

As you watch the Film, remember this promise,

“And the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, even as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14).