Don’t Let Go of the Rope!

The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you” (NLT, Psalm 32:8). This morning (March 15th, 2018) I stumbled upon an old story from the great English preacher, Charles Spurgeon, and it encouraged me. Let me share it with you. “We were […]

If You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going

“For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised” (Hebrews 10:36). I have had a really, really tough few years of receiving cancer treatments. Last month I was ready to give up. There have been several moments like this in my journey […]

Does God Check His Voicemail?

Carl here. I grew up in a Lutheran world where prayer was pretty much practiced as leaving a message on voicemail for God to check later: you pray, you’re pretty sure someone is listening up there, and you go about your business. Easy, right? Obviously, God must have had a lot of unheard messages on […]

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Praise & Worship in the Thin Places

The teachings of my new book, LOVE SPEAKS, flow from understanding the Lord’s love in his multi-faceted voice. How is the best way to GROW in deeper love and relationship with the God who IS LOVE? A daily devotion with sincere worship from your heart is a great place to start! By placing yourself in an […]

The Word of Wisdom: unlocking your destiny

Have you ever wondered how to flow in perhaps the greatest of all the spiritual gifts, the word of wisdom? The following devotional blog is an excerpt from my new book, Love Speaks, and is “Way #16” out of the 21 ways to recognize God’s multi-faceted voice. Just what is the Word of Wisdom? First […]

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The Green Martyrs of Ireland at the Ends of the Earth

Never heard of the once-renowned “Green Martyrs” of Ireland? Neither had I, until I studied Thomas Cahill’s excellent book, How the Irish Saved Civilization. In it, he shares how Ireland was unique in religious history for being the only land into which Christianity was introduced without persecution: there was no shedding of blood. There were […]

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Go To The Toilet: NOW!

In my new book, Love Speaks, I teach on 2 of the most common ways that you can hear the voice of God: the “inner witness” and the “inner voice” of the Spirit. For this month’s blog post, I am re-printing one of my more dramatic personal stories to help illustrate the combination of both […]

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Holy Coincidence, Batman!

Have you ever bumped into somebody you know in a kind of “chance encounter,” enjoyed amazing fellowship with them, and wondered, “Was this God’s guiding hand?” If so, you’ve enjoyed Way #13 (out of 21 possible “ways”) that LOVE SPEAKS: a “Holy Coincidence, Batman!” A simple definition: “The idea that your Heavenly Father has gone […]

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Prepare for Providence!

In this New Year, it is a healthy exercise to pause every so often and ponder the Providence of the Father. He really does love you personally. He really does speak, every week, to help you learn what His best plans are for you. He really does reach out from the eternal realm, into this […]

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How Do We Spell, “GOD”?

For a Christian only, we don’t spell GOD, G-O-D. Instead, we spell Him like this: Father-Son-Holy Spirit. This is called by many, the Trinity or Triune God. This revelation, and the relationship and intimate voice that follows, is only accessible to a Christian. Many millions of people outside of true faith in Christ are praying […]